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Monday, 4 April 2016

Food For Healthy Hearts

The liver has several important functions such as melwan infection that attacks your body process the food that has been absorbed from the intestine us, producing bile that function in the digestive system, as a store of iron, vitamins and chemicals are other important, control the fat, glucose and amino acids in the blood, removing toxic substances in your body. Of various liver functions mentioned above, we finally understand how important the liver function in your body.Here is a healthy food for the heart:

vegetables aberdaun
Vegetables high in chlorophyll which remove toxins from the blood stream when neutralize pesticides, heavy metals and chemicals in the body to help protect the liver. Foodstuffs such as mustard greens, dandelion greens, bitter gourd, arugula or chicory can be consumed with juiced, raw or cooked to obtain these benefits. Vegetables contain glucosinolates which can increase the production of liver enzymes to memberihkan carcinogens. Cabbage can help to stimulate the detoxification enzymes in the liver to enhance the overall functionality.

Antioxidants and vitamin C found in citrus is very helpful in allowing the natural cleansing process of the liver, eating fresh or squeezed into orange juice can also help to stimulate the liver enzymes that are useful in removing toxins such as carcinogens from the body.

Lemon and lime
Fruits high in vitamin C which helps the body to synthesise toxic substances that enter the body through drinking water. Consuming lime or lemon juice first thing in the morning is also said to improve liver function.

The fruit is high glutathione which helps to cleanse toxins from the liver to prevent damage.

Green tea
Green tea contains antioxidant catechins praised for that which improves liver function while improving the function of diet.

Olive oil
Oil can be consumed in moderation in order to provide basic lipid to absorb harmful chemicals so the liver does not suffer from overload. Flax, olive and flaxseed oil can be used for this purpose.

5 komentar:

Anonymous said...

Mantap kaka, informasinya sangat bermanfaat...

Th. Visual said...

mantap sangat ngerti sekali

Rizky said...

nice info:)

Berita Acara said...

Sesama mengingat kan

Unknown said...

thanks in advance continues to visit friends