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Sunday, 3 April 2016


sedikit pengertian tentang epilepsi epilepsi adalah suatu gangguan ...

   Epilepsy is a disease with periodic attacks caused by loose electrical charge excessive cortical neurons. Epilepsy is a disease characterized by a tendency to have recurring seizures. 2% of the adult population had experienced a seizure.CauseJudging from the causes of epilepsy can be divided into two groups, namely: primary or idiopathic epilepsy epilepsy that has so far not found the cause of epilepsy secondary that the cause is known.In primary epilepsy found no abnormality in brain tissue. Allegedly there are abnormalities or impaired balance chemicals in the nerve cells in the area of ​​abnormal brain tissue.Secondary epilepsy means that symptoms are secondary, or as a result of abnormalities in the tissue can be caused due otak.Kelainan inborn or scar tissue as a result of brain damage at birth or during the child's development.The specific cause of epilepsy as follows: abnormalities that occur during fetal development / mother's pregnancy, like a mother ingesting certain drugs that can damage the fetal brain, menglami infections, drinking alcohol, or injury. abnormalities that occur at birth, such as lack of oxygen flowing to the brain (hypoxia), damage because of the action. head injury can cause brain damage brain tumor is the cause of epilepsy is not common, especially in children. blockage of blood vessels of the brain or cerebral vascular disorders inflammation or infection of the brain and meninges hereditary diseases such as phenylketonuria (FKU), tuberose sclerosis and neurofibromatosis may cause recurrent seizures. kecerendungan onset inherited epilepsy. This is because the threshold of stimulation attack lower than normal lowered in children.symptomPartial seizures simplexstarting with an electrical charge in certain brain regions and the charge is still limited in the area. Patients experiencing sensation, movement or abnormal psychological disorders, depending on the area of ​​the brain that terkena.Jika occur in parts of the brain that controls muscle movement of the right arm, the right arm will sway and experienced a jolt; in case of anterior temporal padalobus inside, then the patient will smell very pleasant or very unpleasant. In patients who experience psychological disorders can have d? J? vu (feeling never experienced the present situation in previous days).Jacksonian seizuressymptoms start on one certain body parts (eg, hands or feet) and then spread to the limbs, in line with the spread of electrical activity in the brain.Partial seizures (psychomotor) complexstarting with the loss of patient contact with the surrounding environment for 1-2 minutes. Sufferers become unsteady, move his arms and legs in a strange way and without purpose, noises insignificant, unable to understand what other people are saying and refused assistance.Confusion lasts for several minutes, and is followed by full recovery.Convulsive seizures (tonic-clonic seizures, grand mal)usually begins with abnormal electrical charge on a limited area of ​​the brain. The electrical charge is immediately spread to other brain areas and causing the entire area to malfunction.Primary generalized epilepsycharacterized by abnormal electrical discharges in the brain area, which from the beginning led to the spread of dysfunction. In both types of epileptic seizures as the body's reaction to an abnormal load. In convulsive seizures, decreased consciousness temporarily, severe muscle spasms and jerking throughout the body, head turned to one side, tightly clenched teeth and loss of bladder control. After which the person may experience headache, confusion while and feel very tired. Usually people can not remember what happened during the seizure.Petit mal seizuresbegan in childhood, usually before the age of 5 years. No convulsions and other dramatic symptoms of grand mal. Patients just stared, his eyelids quiver or muscle twitching face for 10-30 seconds. Patients not responding to the surrounding but not falling, fainting or jerking.Status epilepticusis the most serious seizure, where seizures occur continuously, not stopping. Muscle contraction is very strong, not being able to breathe properly and electrical charges in the brain widespread. If not immediately treated, can damage to the heart and brain are settled and the patient may die.

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