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Tuesday 12 April 2016

Healthy diet

Hasil gambar untuk diet sehat

Healthy dietWith the following practical steps, you can run your diet program without feeling tortured. Any tricks healthy diet that does not make you miserable?

Drinking WaterDrinking water can reduce the feeling of hunger, you can try to drink a glass of water before tempting the desire for snacking. Hunger can be reduced by the consumption of water, the result is the portion of food was reduced. In addition, water can dissolve fat in the body so that consume very good for health.

Showcase Your Health FoodLaid healthy foods like fruits or vegetables in a prominent place will allow you to reach them. For example, by putting it in the middle of the refrigerator, on the contrary the position of cheese, biscuits, soft drinks or other foods rich in calories can be put in place that are less visible.

Add Healthy Foods in DishesTry adding vegetables on your plate. It's okay to occasionally enjoy a meal at your favorite restaurant, but do not forget the message portion of salad as a complement. Vegetables are rich in fiber that can make you feel full so that the stomach does not charge to continue to be filled.

enjoy FoodThose who like to eat fast tend to be faster fat. This is because if humans eat slowly and enjoy the food, it will provide enough time for the body to give a satiety signal to the brain so that the portion of food that is eaten less. Avoid eating while chatting or watching television. Habits like this will make you eat more servings.

Create Notes FoodTake note of what foods you already eat can help you be more cautious for each food to be eaten again. It also helps to not "cheated" with high-calorie foods that enter the body.Note should be made accurately and completely. Record everything you eat including smaller portions of 2 biscuits as well as all the toppings of food eaten. For example, when eating bread, record topping what to wear. Also take note of how many servings you eat. With the record, can be analyzed roughly what has made you gain weight.To remember in dieting is the need to be realistic. Do not expect to go down too much in the short term.
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Hasil gambar untuk tea
 Tea is a drink that is already widely known in Indonesia and in the world. The common brown beverage into a beverage guest host. A fragrant aroma and distinctive taste that makes this drink widely consumed. In addition to the advantages above, there are many substances that have a lot of benefits that are very useful for health.

benefits of Tea

Among other benefits of tea as an antioxidant, repairing damaged cells, smoothing the skin, slimming, prevent cancer, prevent heart disease, lowers blood cholesterol levels, blood circulation. So, do not be surprised if the drink is touted as a beverage rich in benefits.
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Do not miss lunch

Do not miss lunch

Lunch at the workplace is important because in addition to filling the stomach, lunch is also the time to keep your body some rest. Preferably, the lunch was not done in the workbench but rose from the table work will help keep your body and mind refreshed and improve your mood.

Note also the lunch menu is selected. It's okay to occasionally have lunch at the roadside or a restaurant with a menu that is less healthy. But, do every day to keep the body healthy. Eating out is fine, with the proviso still meet the needs of the body of fiber, protein and carbohydrates without recourse. The lunch menu is a good 50% of vegetables and fruit, 25% protein and 25% carbohydrates.
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Eating healthy foods in the workplace

Eating healthy foods in the workplace
Eating healthy foods in the workplace is
 a challenge for many people. The main cause
is busy in the office who make no time to enjoy healthy foods,
 foods that are generally sold usually foods that are practical
and do not have good nutritional content, and other challenges because
healthy foods are usually not preferred and beaten with fast food. However,
unhealthy foods can certainly be undermining your health in addition to that will make overweight
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Monday 11 April 2016

How To Lose Weight Without Down Hard Work

How To Lose Weight Without Down Hard Work
Hasil gambar untuk gambar orang diet
hard and disciplined. Starting from exercising to count calories.
However, if you do not have the time - or do not have enough discipline - these 10 simple tricks you can apply every day to lose weight.
Also Read Wanted Portion Lunch Bit? Try How It's Not Want Stomach Buncit? Diet should Peek Start Now 4 Simple Steps to Banish Fat and Calories While Sleeping
Reporting from Pop Sugar, Wednesday (06/04/2014), this 10 last trick:
1. Always start your meal with a glass of water
This will keep you hydrated and feel instantly full, so you will not eat most.
2. Make changes easily to any meal
For example, by using low-calorie salad dressing, eating vegetables without sauce stewed beans, choose fresh fruit instead of dried fruit or juice.
These small changes can unconsciously reduce your calorie intake by 80 calories.
3. Dark chocolate for dessert
Instead of choosing biscuits or wafers, change your sweet tooth with dark chocolate. Initially it may be felt not too satisfactory, but as you stop sugar addiction, you will be able to reduce the calories and enjoy a delicious healthy snack.
4. Diligent control portion
If you want to lose weight, make sure your portions right. Measure the amount of your snacks before eating them, and do not directly eat it out of his pocket.
Use a smaller plate to signal visually that your food will suffice. Then keep leftover food so you are not tempted to eat it again.
5. More move
Even if you do not have time to exercise, you can burn some extra calories by way of moving more throughout the day.
Take a break from work, and walk around the office. Choose the stairs instead of the elevator, and park further away from the office building so that you inevitably have to walk more.
6. Do not drink your calories
One of the most common reasons you can not lose weight is because calories from your drinks, such as sodas and bottled juice.
Choose water with a taste of fresh natural ingredients, such as cucumber, lemon, or mint, to prevent the intake of extra calories.
7. Do not be hungry for too long
Slightly better for your hunger, but hunger throughout the day in order to eat sweet food favorite night time is not healthy.
Eating and mencemillah regularly to avoid low blood sugar.
8. The consumption of snacks high in protein and fiber
When it came time to snack, make sure the food is good for you. Stay away from empty high-calorie snacks, such as chips or crackers, and choose snacks high in protein and fiber
It can make you can reduce up to 150 calories a day.
9. Eat a light dinner
Try to reduce the portion of your dinner up only 25 percent of daily caloric intake. Eat at least two or three hours before bedtime.
Eating too much too late can interfere with digestion and sleep.
Sleep 10. more
Lack of sleep can make you eat more the next day. It also will make you do not have the energy to exercise.
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Sunday 10 April 2016

5 Cell Phone Radiation Dangers for Women's Health

Hasil gambar untuk handphone dan wanita

There are 5 mobile radiation hazard to the health of women who need to be considered, whether it is for women who are pregnant or not. Although the mobile phone is the primary requirement in the era of advanced as today, would still have an impact for each user, especially the radiation that apparently is not good for health. Spelled out in a study of the results of cell phone radiation when making shorter calls was the same with raw eggs are matured.

5 Dangers of Cell Phone Radiation to Healthy Women to Watch
Not a rumor when radiation may adversely affect the health of women, and for that we need to notice the effects and dangers of following in order to watch and avoid excessive use of mobile phones.

1. Cause of brain cancer is one of the dangers of cell phone radiation; looked awful but it's true. The women who like chatting with friends through the phone would often encounter the phone conversation to a temperature change; This is the best time to watch. Brain cancer can be triggered by cell phone radiation is included in the category of carcinogenic substances. Too long chatting through mobile phone may increase brain cancer risk of acoustic neuroma and glioma.

cell phone radiation for women's health
2. Making mobile users easily forget is one of the dangers of cell phone radiation for women. Besides triggering brain cancer, chatting or calling in a long time could interfere with recall caused by the radiation emitted from cell phones. Certainly never heard that call using the headset was better and the fact is yes. If the phone is used directly, the radiation exposure clearly struck the ear. No matter if it discussed via phone is something that is important, but if you know the conversation will be long, loadspeaker or headset can be used just to be safe.

3. Causes of breast cancer is also the harmful effects of radiation from mobile phones to women who often put it in your pocket. Exposure to radiation can be dangerous because cancer cells can be developed, in this case breast cancer can also be triggered. There is no harm to put or keep the phone in your wallet or purse just so the fat tissue in the breast will not be affected by exposure to cell phone radiation.

4. Disrupt pregnancy is one of the effects and dangers of cell phone radiation for pregnant women. That radiation from mobile phones can cause cell damage during the pregnancy and even lead to miscarriage has been studied by Yale School of Medicine. Do not store or pocketing the phone near the uterus to prevent bad things from happening.

5. Having a hyperactive child is also referred to as one of the effects of mobile phone radiation on the uterus. As explained by one study, fetal brain development will be influenced by exposure to radiation during pregnancy make children became very hyperactive.
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Maintaining Healthy Teeth With the Best Treatments

 Hasil gambar untuk gigi

Maintaining dental health is so important to everyone. Teeth are clean and maintained is a dream for everyone, with clean teeth then people will not hesitate to smile in front of the audience. Good dental care needs that are likely able to create the impression of a clean as well as healthy. Clean teeth will also be protected from all the germs, as well as other oral disorders. But did you know that if we are not healthy teeth certainly can cause a host of problems, such as bad breath, cavities, yellowish color and the accumulation of plaques on the teeth. Sometimes a very specific problem may occur such as toothache and bleeding gums. It made us miserable, especially on the appearance and pattern of our lives.
Dental health care

For the health of your teeth, we would not be separated from their usual treatment is done every day. The most fundamental thing is brush their teeth three times a day. It would be a routine basis are often done. But this way also need to be supplemented with other things, such as reducing the consumption of foods that contain lots of sugar. Actually this is not allowed, but not after we consume them sometimes we direct brushing teeth. It aims to prevent sediment leftovers. We need to realize that the deposition of leftovers can cause plaques on the teeth.

In addition we need to consume vitamin D, vitamin besides preventing strengthen bones, can strengthen the teeth. There is also a vitamin K which is very useful as preventing bleeding on every organ be it in the gums. Diligently check the teeth to doctors is certainly no less important for us to do the most important thing in dental hygiene.
The things that damage healthy teeth

There are some things we need to know as an effort to maintain the tooth organ contained in this mouth. Knowing the things that can damage the teeth is the knowledge that we know how to keep your teeth properly. Smoking habits in adults is one of the causes of problems with teeth. Colors are usually bright white teeth will turn yellow and the smell was awful. Cigarette smoke and other substances contained in cigarettes can certainly make a change tooth color. Then there was the habit of eating foods that contain sugar. This sort of thing often done by a small child that is synonymous with chocolate. Glucose substance contained in chocolate can also make cavities if not promptly cleaned up. Bad habits like brushing teeth will rarely make the teeth become unhealthy. Heaps of food residue that settles into plaques on the teeth. After all dental health is important to be kept
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